Risk Management

How do you manage risk?

Life is full of unforeseen surprises. Have you taken steps to defend yourself and your loved ones? At Oujo Wealth Strategies, we offer transparent protection options for your family.

Life Insurance

Do I need life insurance?

It is very important to make sure you have proper coverage in place when needed.  We offer cost-effective solutions when it is appropriate for a client.  We tend to be “buy term and invest the rest” kind of people.  We can evaluate your needs as part of your holistic plan. 

Disability Insurance

Your family’s financial stability relies on your earning power. Our advisors can assess your disability insurance needs and provide appropriate solutions.  

Long-Term Care Insurance

Can I self-insure potential Long-Term Care costs?

The cost of Long-Term Care has risen significantly over the years. This is a very important area of many clients’ financial plans, and we can provide thoughtful solutions and guidance.

Stay protected against the unexpected. 

We believe recommendations for insurance are a part of a bigger picture. With this in mind, we only provide insurance services for our wealth management clients when appropriate. 

Schedule a consultation today.