Let’s face it, we’ve all been worried about money at some point in our lives. Whether it be making ends meet or managing extensive AUM, money can be a source of major stress and anxiety for individuals. Furthermore, a survey by Northwestern Mutual found that money was the leading cause of stress for 44% of Americans.
Although Money is a part of our everyday lives, we shouldn’t let the stress of managing it taint the joy found in every day. What I’ve learned in my experience thus far is that instead of letting money cause worry, people need to take that worry and channel it elsewhere. They need to channel the worry to another level to fix the problem, and this “next level” is what our business is all about.
So, are you ready to decrease money stress and level up?
If you answered yes, let me show how working with our steadfast team can help you get there.
1. We get smart on the situation and create a plan that is tailored to you.
At Oujo Wealth Strategies, we have the ability to take a client situation and analyze it in great detail. Our team performs an intensive data gathering process, and then analyzes the situation with a fine-tooth comb. We develop common sense solutions to fix the problems and give clients peace of mind.
2. We utilize the Oujo difference.
By working with our team, you not only receive excellent service but a competitive edge like no other. We’re a one-stop shop that can address your situation as a CPA, CFP, and investment advisor all in one. For example, income taxes have a huge impact on finances, but come in second place when making investment decisions. We help people marry their money to their quantified financial goals, and that’s the Oujo difference.
3. We have a defined process in yielding success.
After surveying the environment of your finances and determining solutions, we use a defined process to get your finances where they need to be. Our process works and it can work for you too. We tailor it specifically to your situation, ensuring that we’ll take you to that next level.
As many of you know, I have a background in sports, and the common thread for having success in athletics is having a process that works and trusting that process to the end. At Oujo Wealth Strategies, we’re here to walk along beside you during the process and can’t wait to watch you succeed.
At the end of the day, we recognize that our clients come from all walks of life and we celebrate that. We’re extremely grateful for their loyalty that has led to a retention rate of nearly 100%.
We’re looking forward to celebrating you, decreasing your stress, and helping you level up. If you are ready to get started, please reach out to our office at (732) 556-4200 to schedule a meeting or visit OujoWealthStrategies.com.