High Income Earners
- What can I do to cut my income taxes in a way that’s consistent with my financial goals and objectives?
- How much should I be saving and investing to achieve my financial independence goal?
- How much of my income can I enjoy without jeopardizing myself financially?
- How do I avoid “lifestyle creep?”
High Net Worth Individuals/Families
- I have a high net worth. How do I maintain and grow my assets consistent with my goals and objectives in life?
- How can I enjoy what my wealth provides without hurting what my heirs will receive?
- How do I get my children involved in understanding how to handle multigenerational wealth?
- What income and estate tax planning strategies can I utilize to keep more of what we have?
- How do I take advantage of all the different compensation plans that my employer offers to me (stock options, deferred compensation, 401(k))?
- I don’t know how long I will be able to keep this role. How can I secure my family’s financial future?
- What tax-efficient investments should I own?
- In my company, whoever owns the most company stock is seen as the best team member. Is this a smart decision?
- I’m making all this money and people keep approaching me with one silly investment/business idea after another. Should I invest with them and if so, how much is safe?
Small Business Owners
- I’m just getting my business started. Where do I begin?
- My business has been doing well. What I can do to save on income taxes and boost my net worth?
- What is the right entity for my business from a tax standpoint?
- What kind of company retirement plan should I set up?
- Does my business have any worth? Who could I sell it to? For how much? How can I get the most out of it and pay the least in income taxes?
- I’m getting older and don’t know how much longer I can do this. What is a sensible succession plan that makes the most sense for me?
Active Seniors
- I’m approaching retirement and want to enjoy my life. I’m not sure if I will make it financially. How much do I need to comfortably retire and be able to sleep at night?
- What can I do to enjoy my retirement but also make sure there is something left for my loved ones?
- What kind of tax-efficient investments exist in retirement so I can leave the most to my heirs?
- I’m concerned about myself or my spouse needing long-term care in the future. How do we plan for this? Are we going to be OK financially?

- I just lost my spouse and they managed the finances. Where do I start?
- Investments and taxes just aren’t my thing. Can you help with this?
- I need more hand-holding through this because it’s not my area of expertise. Can you walk me through this so I understand?
- I just want to make sure that I will make it financially. Can you show me how?
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